About pigment laser treatments in Victoria.
One of the leading indicators of sun damage is the presence of pigmented lesions, more commonly known as brown spots and/or age spots. While Victoria and Vancouver Island residents may have earned these spots making memories and soaking up golden rays, that’s where the fun ends. Fortunately, an uneven or mottled complexion doesn’t have to prematurely age you. Cosmedica specializes in laser treatments for skin pigmentation using current picosecond technologies, the Enlighten® and PicoSure® lasers, known to provide safety, and deliver results with minimal downtime. From freckle removal to acne hyperpigmentation, pigment laser treatment can help to reveal a more even and radiant skin tone.
Pigment laser treatments help with:
- hands
- moles & browns spots
- sun damage
How it works:
A carefully coordinated laser beam will specifically target pigmented skin cells. As its energy is absorbed by the cell, it will actually darken indicating it is rising to or nearing the skin’s surface to be shed away in the days following treatment. This process and the recovery time will vary depending on the intensity of the applied treatment, the location, and individual healing. The wide array of laser devices at our disposal allows us to tailor your treatment plan, and better address your individual needs and aesthetic goals. Options range from treating just a few spots to treating entire areas of moderate pigmentation. PICO Genesis™ treatments are a popular full face rejuvenating treatment with added improvement to skin texture and tone.
Before After *
*DISCLAIMER: Individual outcomes, results and number of treatments recommended may vary based on individual patient needs, medical history, and circumstances. Cosmedica Laser Centre cannot guarantee exact or permanent results or cures.Cost
Starting from $150 per treatment
Number of treatments
1 to 3 treatment sessions
Pigment Laser Treatments Frequently Asked Questions
A topical anesthetic or use of the Zimmer cool air system may be applied to minimize potential discomfort. Furthermore, treatments are quick. You may experience some mild tenderness to specific spots in the first 24-48 hours.
Depending on the type of pigmented spot(s) being treated, your desired outcome may be achieved in as little as a single treatment. Certain types of pigmented spots will require subsequent or ongoing treatments to achieve and maintain the desired outcome.
The goal of pigment laser treatments is to minimize or completely remove unwanted pigmented spots. Expectations and outcomes will be carefully reviewed once the spot is properly diagnosed.
The recovery period is about 3-7 days but depends on your individual concerns and natural skin colour. Mild swelling and skin flaking can be expected as the treated lesion exfoliates. The underlying skin will be slightly sensitive to sun and should be thoroughly protected afterwards.
Pigmentation is activated by sun exposure, so we recommend applying an antioxidant serum in combination with a broad spectrum sunscreen every day, along with use of a gentle daily skin lightening cream to maintain an even skin tone. Additionally, avoiding the sun at peak times and wearing protective clothing is helpful.