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What are stretch marks?

One of your skin’s most remarkable abilities is to stretch—thanks to collagen and elastin found in the dermal layer but as they say, too much of anything can be bad. At certain times, our skin’s strength and elasticity are put to the test, and stretch marks prevail. Most commonly seen on the hips and abdomen, back, breasts and thighs, stretch marks appear as bands of parallel lines on your skin. These lines usually begin as purple or red stretch marks, and gradually become white and thin as time goes on. Varying in length and width, these pesky marks aren’t a health risk, but they can compromise our self confidence and negatively affect how we feel about our skin and body.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are extremely common, and they affect healthy men and women alike when the tissues underneath the skin are stressed due to rapid growth or overstretching. Over time, this leaves behind the scar tissues known as stretch marks. This commonly occurs as a result of a growth spurt, a rapid change in weight, puberty, pregnancy, and sometimes due to medications such as strong topical steroids. Stretch marks are more common in females than in males, and some individuals may be more genetically prone to stretch marks, but overall their prevention is very difficult.

Get rid of stretch marks.

While the complete removal of stretch marks is impossible, their appearance can be improved. Cosmedica offers a range of safe and effective treatment options including laser therapies for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Early stretch marks (red stretch marks) are often easier to treat, and their intervention leads to optimal outcomes, but improvements can be achieved in mature stretch marks (white stretch marks) as well. Whether you’re looking to treat stretch marks on your back, stretch marks on your breasts, or stretch marks on your thighs, a thorough consultation will allow us to establish the treatment plan best suited to your condition and goals.

Symptoms Include:

stretch marks growth spurt rapid or extreme weight gain purple or red scarring pregnancy



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